Benefits Our Wallpapers Offer

Particularly relevant to residents with dementia, our content-rich and colourful imagery is crafted to produce wallpapers that are much more than just eye-catching wall decor. Our unique murals are carefully designed with realistic size, content, and authentic detail to stimulate the viewer and encourage interaction between residents and carers.

Our mural wallpapers are informative and may be used to signpost and identify important places, such as a Dining Room or Hairdresser, with a visual clarity both more effective and attractive than can be achieved by conventional signage.

Our designs are enriching. Murals may be used to theme corridors and lobby areas with imagery full of colour and variety to create neighbourhoods that enhance the everyday experience for residents as they journey around their home.

Our decorative wallpapers bring a sense of the outside world inside with scenic vistas, distant horizons and the calming colours of nature.

As visual reminders, familiar colours and imagery may be used to reassure and remind, for example by personalising bedroom or bathroom doors, helping residents to feel more confident in their surroundings.